Sunday, June 5, 2016

Virtual Reality (VR)

To understand Virtual Reality (VR) , we need to know first what is Real/Reality?
Scientific definition of Real "Real is just electrical signals interpreted by our brain". We have 5 sensors which sends electrical signals to brain to understand anything.These sensors helps us to feel the real world. So if anything looks real one of the sensor sends signal to brain. When we talk about Virtual Reality (VR) People typically focus on Virtual part rather than real part of it. Visual illusion is only a port of Virtual reality.
So why Artificially created Virtual world feels real ? When we are looking with VR headset, our eyes and ears sends signal to Brain , which assumes it is real. We also know that What you hear depends on what you are looking at. With latest technology every movement of Eyes, head is captured by smart VR headset. So its neuro science with smart devices makes VR successful.
A famous Quote "All reality is Virtual" - by Jeremy Bailenson
VR is about experiencing real and virtual world together. Virtual system is created by Artificial advance system. This combine experience is real.
Earlier technology which seems kind of real was Movies. Movies provide similar images with no feedback to head movement, so it looks like moving pictures on flat surface, but VR augments the real world . With VR we update the model as per head movement. VR is about driving our perception then way they are built to be driven. VR maps the surroundings using technology to look like real time images.
Right Now VR is widely used in Gaming. You can search for Gaming contest with VR. There is so much content available on internet to use with VR headset. You can get VR mobile Apps on Google play store, VR video on Youtube.
In future VR will be used in every Work, Education, Fashion, Entertainment,Medical science,Engineering and Social Networking.We heard the successful use of VR for Training purpose. VR makes trainee feels real world, so it saves time, cost of trainee. Our Air-force and other Defense forces are using VR for Training purpose. Doctors can do surgical training with the help of VR without real physical body.We need less physical LAB/Training center. For students its going to be more practical learning instead of theory. This will help both Teachers and Students.
Technology Giants like Google, Facebook etc. are doing much investment VR and related technology. A large group of Developers and programmers are involved in creating application to make VR more useful. Electronics companies like Samsung, Sony etc. are manufacturing VR headset. Many Many new Start up companies have emerged in market which deals with either software or hardware part of VR. Virtual Reality is creating new Business and reshaping old business . It enhances the Consumers experience. Its becoming cheap as well, so you don't need to go to a specific place to experience it.

VR will evolve over period of time. it's just taken birth, it still need to prove itself. it needs to grow and we need to discover more usefulness of VR. Sooner or later every one of us will be part of it in one of its form. VR can change everything the way we live.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Who will lead the Future

Man or Machine "Who will lead the Future" ? or the easy Question to ans would be "Who should lead the Future Man or Machine" ?
The likely answer to both above Question would be Man, because we have seen the destruction of machine in movies like Terminator and Matrix. Machine doesn't have emotions, machine just know what is right or wrong as per instructions coded inside it.
In current age we all are getting attracted towards new Machines, new technology  and tools. Now we don't want to do any work manually. Even companies are insisting for Automation of all processes. we don't want anything to remember, we keep note of everything on devices like mobile phone, laptop etc. we don't want event o type so Mobile manufacturer have given us touch pad and then voice dialing. Applie iPhone "Siri" app can take voice instructions and understand natural language. Similarly there are others devices which understand you and behave accordingly. Google Driver less Car can drive better than any human being.

We have many smart home solutions available in market. All devices  and appliances in home will work as per your instructions and will also learn itself to improve. we call them self learning machines. Every devices can sync automatically all the time to assist us with latest information. These all things help us to leave more peacefully and will ease our life to relax more and work less. we can give importance to more useful stuff of life and work will be taken care of by machines.

So are we becoming kind of slave of machine ? i would say "no" but we are on the path of it.
As per resent study shows that man are becoming more dumb as they don't use their brain much. everything is easily available to them. our brains are becoming smaller and smaller day by day. There are plenty of reasons to use new information technology for every day work. i find two most significant one is :

  • It helps us on time, 24/7 and 365 days of the year
  • Due to large volume of information available these days, so its become difficult for us to recompile all information and use it for decision making. Machine can compile large volume of information very easily within few minutes.
We have so much information available, earlier means of storing Data was not sufficient so we are moving for Big data. These information are increasing such rapidly that, it doubles itself every 2 years. it is almost impossible or very difficult for Human mind to deal with such a huge information in everyday life. All new devices can do that in much efficient way and its much cheaper solution as well.
Latest Artificial intelligence helps us to automate things and produces much accurate decision. it not only helps in new innovations but also in real life scenario in all sectors. Today a software can give much accurate legal or medical advice as compared to any lawyer or Doctor. Today Applications can teach you much easily and in much better way as compared to our human Teachers.
So what we will do then ? well we will create more better technology, much better solution to solve
complex problems, we will create more sophisticated and smart software solutions  which will be more smarter, much helpful to us. IBM watson can work more efficiently than us after training. Humans can't have memory as compared to machines and wont have power to compile everything for making any decisions. We can get automated medical advice , timely alert for any failure of process or automatic notification for any events by the help of smart machines. We use these machines and devices every days in such an extent that we miss them more than any real person as we are getting depended on it for all news, events and also for all personal and business purposes.

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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Robots and Science with AI

"ROBOTS" most of the Hollywood sci-fiction movies are made around this. One of the main reason i could find is its easy to be understand by People. whenever you will talk to average educated person about advancement in Science and technology , they will say Robots are the new discoveries in science. People are so much fascinated about Human Robots that they don't even consider Robots which doesn't look like humans. Robots is supposed to replace every repeated task by automation. So every industry will have Robots in Future. Even in healthcare for doing Operations and taking care of you as Nurse Robots will be used.
In today's world even after so much discovery in AI(Artificial Intelligence) and computer science, Robots have the same level of IQ as of initial Homo sapience days of Human being. It doesn't understand and learn itself. its area of expertise is limited to our teachings. It doesn't learn and heal the bugs itself. Feelings and emotions we can't even think of in real world.
Robots come is all shape and sizes these days. From healthcare to Defense to scientific discovery all are highly depended on Robotics technology. We can see in many repetitive jobs of human is done by Robots as they are more efficient and there is very less chances of Error. Robots dont go for strike or don't ask for any raise in salary. Through advancement in AI, if robots can teach itself then it can replace humans. Machine like IBM Watson, IP Soft amelia have already shown us many usefulness in every day life.
A better Future we can think of is human become more powerful with help of AI Science or we may see in the later stage Robots will arise and will try to impose its supremacy on human being. There is only one thing between Robots and Human being which makes Humans super power of this world is Self learning, self healing and Thinking capability. Today Robots are the best smart buddy of human being, in future robots will be knowing best to Human Being.

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